ICT can have a major impact on the operations and performance of an organisation.  It is important to ensure that the priorities for the ongoing development of ICT are a fine balance between the implementation of all the new and shiny IT equipment and services, the fun stuff; and the things that actually help the users of the ICT service work more effectively and that the plans are both affordable and deliverable within the timescales agreed.

Development of a strategy can range from a simple one side vision through to a comprehensive document that outlines a roadmap for the next few years along with some developed, and costed, plans for the various projects.  This can turn into quite a time consuming exercise, especially if the process starts with the stakeholders and users of the service to ensure that the vision meets their needs.

We can offer a range of services around the development of ICT strategy from the facilitation of stakeholder engagement events through to the horizon scanning of technology that may have a benefit and of course the writing of the document and management of a consultation process to ensure that the priorities are clear and agreed across the organisation before the strategy goes live.  We can even help with the operational planning to ensure that the fine concepts and words of the strategy turn into real projects that deliver the benefits envisaged and have impact.